Wednesday, May 27, 2009

31 weeks...

...well it has come down to that point in the pregnancy where Kim is in a lot of discomfort. We have a scheduled visit with the high rist doctor tomorrow to check the anatomy of the babies and from there he is putting us on hospitalized bedrest to ease some discomfort. The dr. is really wanting to stretch out as long as he can before delivery of the babies so hopefully the hospital bedrest will help out a little bit.
FYI - Kim's phone somehow got dropped into her glass of ice water so it isn't working; however Steve's phone is still working so if you need to get in touch with us, just give him a call.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good News and Bad News...

...the good news is everything is going VERY well with Kim and the babies! The chances of going into pre-term labor at this point are very slim! The bad news...Kim has to be pregnant longer!! We are on a 5 week timeline right now. Looks like the day will be June 18th or 19th at this point and we get to meet our girls! :) At least we have a good idea of a timeline at this point so we are more aware of what (when) to expect! Kim is already measuring full term, which in normal people terms means...she look like she is about to burst open...can't imagine what 5 more weeks will look like!
Things are going great otherwise and we are anxious for the next 5 weeks to pass by! Hope everyone is doing well.


Steve and Kim